Running a Book Club...
Below are our articles on the subject of Running a Book Club. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Book Club Meeting Locations
a look at the different locations you can hold book club meetings as well as virtual meetings for online book clubs...

Book Club Money Saving Tips
Some suggestions on ways a book club can save money....

Book Club Rules and Standards
recommended rules and standards of behaviour for reading groups and book clubs...

Book Clubs Are Trendy Again
The rising popularity of book clubs in recent years and possible reasons for this....

Books and Online Information
a list of books and online resources for book clubs and reading groups...

Buying and Selling Second Hand Books
Does your reading club want to discuss rare books, out of print books, antiquarian books or other forms of literature? Here’s how to buy and sell secondhand books!...

Choosing Books for a Book Club
book selection methods and sources of book recommendations for book clubs...

Dealing with Problem Members
suggestions for how to deal with common book club problems, such as lazy or domineering members....

Good Questions and Discussion Topics
a list of useful question and discussion topics for book clubs...

How to Lead Book Club Meetings
tips on how to lead book club discussions successfully...

How to Start a Book Club
how to start a book club, from deciding the type to recruiting members to sorting out practical logistics such as location and time...

Organising Book Club Meetings
how to organise successful book club meetings, including timing and frequency, decoration, music, food and others...

Reading Poetry in Book Clubs
The benefits of including poetry on your book club reading list and how to use it in discussions....

Starting a Comic Reading Club
Comic books are for adults just as much as they are for kids and teens. So if you’re into this genre, why not take it to the next level and start your own comic book…...

Ten Tips for a Successful Book Club
ten tips to help you run a book club successfully...